Johanna Dungl

The Processes Behind Building a Martech Stack in 2022

Marketing’s a cruel mistress. It doesn’t wait around for anyone, so as marketers, we have no choice but to keep up, lest we get left in the dust. Unfortunately, that’s easier said than done.

It’s one thing to keep up with all the latest and greatest marketing techniques, but add to that the estimated 5000 – 8000 martech tools available on the market, and you’re facing quite the information overload. As Scott Brinker of Hubspot and ChiefMartec fame said in our webinar on Building the Ultimate Martech Stack in 2022: “For marketers right now, this is both the best of times and the worst of times.”

The good news is, you don’t have to use or even know all of.

BrandMaker vs. MARMIND

Are you looking for a tool that offers marketing planning and budget management? Do you want to be able to manage campaigns and professionalize project management in marketing? Is a central platform for performance measurement on your wish list, too?

Marketing Resource Management software gives you precisely these features – and more.

But the individual MRM providers can differ significantly. So how do you know which software is right for your business?

We have compared two of the most popular Marketing Resource Management platforms – BrandMaker and MARMIND – to provide you with an overview. We also show you which general aspects to take into account when.

The Difference Between Multi-, Cross-, and Omnichannel Marketing

Photo Credit: Anton /

Multi-, cross-, and omnichannel marketing: At first glance, this just looks like a lot of channels – and the terms are often used as synonyms. But, in reality, these are three different concepts. Read on to find out what these terms mean, how they differ, and what the trend towards omnichannel marketing means for your business.

Imagine you’re discussing the growing number of channels in marketing with a few people at work. Some colleagues are talking about cross-channel marketing, others about multichannel marketing, and somehow everyone means the same. Sound familiar? The problem is that these concepts are not.

7 Mistakes That Three Out of Four CMOs Make

Photo Credit: motortion /

For 20 years, we have been digitalizing marketing processes in large and medium-sized companies. And in that time, we have noticed that the reasons why marketing teams are not as efficient as they’d like to be are almost always the same. One classic example is spreadsheet overload.

We compiled a list of the seven most common pitfalls for CMOs to help you avoid them.

1. They have no centralized planning

Excel and PowerPoint are still two of the most popularly used tools for campaign and budget planning – even though they were designed for entirely different purposes. The advantage of Office.

Why Large Companies Put Their Trust in Marketing Technology

Credit: Elnur /

Okay, okay. Not many marketers would have sketched out their new marketing plan on a piece of parchment when the crisis hit. But you need to do far more than store marketing plans on SharePoint to become a trailblazer in digitalization. Real digital transformation means going far beyond simply introducing a couple of new tools. Companies that made use of cross-process marketing technology before the crisis were at a definite advantage when the time came to replan from scratch.

The corona crisis brought all kinds of changes. Including a substantial recession and restrictions in many areas of life. But corona led to more than.

“Integrating M@RS with MARMIND allows you to get the best of two worlds”

Peter M. Hofer, Founder and CEO of mediamid

In an interview, mediamid CEO Peter M. Hofer explains the advantages of combining a DAM system such as M@RS with MARMIND

Founded in 2003, software provider mediamid has become a specialist for digital asset management (DAM). In an interview, founder and CEO Peter M. Hofer explains how DAM systems help large businesses organize and control media files efficiently, why integrating them with other systems is useful, and how coronavirus will shape the digital future.

“Businesses are starting to realize that in the future it must be possible for people to work from anywhere in the world without the necessity for.