Peter Fechter

The Current State of Martech

Martech — it’s inescapable. See the ads on your YouTube pre-rolls, read about it on your LinkedIn feed, and of course, use and think about it daily at work. As Scott Brinker put it at our recent webinar Building the Ultimate Martech Stack for 2022 — “It’s all martech all the time.” But in a landscape that consists of over 8000 tools, should that really come as a surprise?Today, we’re taking the time to assess where we’re at in the current scope of things, consider what challenges we have to face, and hopefully give a few pointers on what lies ahead. But, before that…

Too much of a good thing?

Martech wasn’t always the beast it is.

Why You Should Build a Martech Stack in 2022

Any marketer who hasn’t been living under a rock these past few years has heard of martech stacks. However, just hearing about them won’t amount to much. You and your coworkers may be suffering under the weight of having a poorly integrated set of marketing tools and not even realize it. 

If you’ve spent no time on your martech stack until now, and have no clue what all the hype is about, then this article is for you. By the end, you’ll understand why so many companies invest their valuable resources into building their martech stacks and why it might be a good idea for you to do the same. However, there’s one question we should answer before that.