The Difference Between Multi-, Cross-, and Omnichannel Marketing

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Multi-, cross-, and omnichannel marketing: At first glance, this just looks like a lot of channels – and the terms are often used as synonyms. But, in reality, these are three different concepts. Read on to find out what these terms mean, how they differ, and what the trend towards omnichannel marketing means for your business.

Imagine you’re discussing the growing number of channels in marketing with a few people at work. Some colleagues are talking about cross-channel marketing, others about multichannel marketing, and somehow everyone means the same. Sound familiar? The problem is that these concepts are not.

“Integrating M@RS with MARMIND allows you to get the best of two worlds”

Peter M. Hofer, Founder and CEO of mediamid

In an interview, mediamid CEO Peter M. Hofer explains the advantages of combining a DAM system such as M@RS with MARMIND

Founded in 2003, software provider mediamid has become a specialist for digital asset management (DAM). In an interview, founder and CEO Peter M. Hofer explains how DAM systems help large businesses organize and control media files efficiently, why integrating them with other systems is useful, and how coronavirus will shape the digital future.

“Businesses are starting to realize that in the future it must be possible for people to work from anywhere in the world without the necessity for.